The Best 9 Drupal 8 Modules for SEO

2 minute read

There are a huge number of modules to help a Drupal site with SEO (Search Engine Optimization). We went through and picked the best ones available for Drupal 8. So, here they are, in no particular order.


This module allows for preset patterns in the URL path to be used on various types of content. The aliases are automatically created when content is saved. It is one of the most popular and useful SEO modules available for Drupal.


This module handles meta tags for SEO, social, product, and other needs. The main module will add the page title, description and keywords to the content creation forms. Additional modules provide access to many meta tag needs.

Search 404

When a path can’t be found on the site, the search 404 module takes over and will run a search based on the keywords available in the URL path. This module helps to retain visitors to your site by directing them to related content based on terms from the URL. 404 error pages are logged to help identify a missing redirect from an old URL path or content that may have been accidentally removed.


This module helps to reduce the number of 404 errors on a site by automatically creating redirects for content when the path changes. It also allows an administrative user to create and manage their own set of redirects.

SEO Checklist

This module includes a checklist of recommended modules to enable, settings to apply, and other SEO considerations for a Drupal site. It helps to make sure you remember to make the necessary changes for SEO, especially to a new site.

Simple XML Sitemap

A sitemap XML file is necessary to let search engines know about the content on your site, where to find it and when it was last modified. This module helps to manage XML sitemaps for submission of your content to those search engines.

Site Verification

This module helps provide options to identify your site to various online services requiring verification. These services include Google webmaster toolsBing webmaster tools or others using a meta tag or file for verification.

Google Analytics

Analytics are important for any site owner for continuous improvement of the visitor experience. This module helps to connect your Drupal site with the Google Analytics service and offers a ton of options to customize tracking of information.

Easy Breadcrumb

This module automatically creates breadcrumbs based on the information available in the URL. It works really well with paths created to conform to a content hierarchy. Breadcrumbs are very useful to help a visitor find their way around the site and know where they are.